
All Russian lyrics belong to the artists
See the phonetic transcript table for pronunciation

(Your eyes are the constant that draw me in)
Отталкиваясь от земли ногами
Целясь в пушистое брюхо неба
Взращивая пустоту между нами
Таю последним теплом лета
(Your sparkle lashes me to milk)
Не держи меня солнце пальцами
Отпусти за усталыми птицами
Станут наши сердца скитальцами
На подошвах песка крупицами

Не удержать
(It’s hard to hold)
В руках обломки скал
Не отыскать
(We can not find)
Того кто ветром стал
Не пожалеть
И не сказать “прости”
И не успеть
(We’ve got no time)
Его уже спасти
(To save him)

(When your beauty turns to feel
Rest and it will eventually clear)
Пил тебя, молоко нежности
Сворачивалось на углях желанья
Выкипало пеною безмятежности
Потеряв белизны сиянье
Ждал тебя, слушал шорохи
Капли падали, роняя вес разный
Растекались закатным всполохом
Перепачкался весь красным

(And I as always
As ever wait here
And I in despair)

Не удержать
В руках обломки скал
Не отыскать
Того кто ветром стал
Не пожалеть
И не сказать “прости”
И не успеть
Его уже спасти

Не удержать
(It’s hard to hold)
В руках обломки скал
Не отыскать
(We can not find)
Того кто ветром стал
Не пожалеть
И не сказать “прости”
И не успеть
(We’ve got no time)
Его уже спасти
(To save him)

Не удержать

(It’s hard to hold pebbles in our hands
We can not find
We Became the wind
we can not apologize to them
We’ve got no time to save him…)


(Your eyes are the constant that draw me in)
Ottalkivayas’ ot zemli nogami
Tselyas’ v pushistoe bryukho neba
Vzrashchivaya pustotu mezhdu nami
Tayu poslednim teplom leta
(Your sparkle lashes me to milk)
Ne derzhi menya solntse pal’tsami
Otpusti za ustalymi ptitsami
Stanut nashi serdtsa skital’tsami
Na podoshvakh peska krupitsami

Ne uderzhat’
(It’s hard to hold)
V rukakh oblomki skal
Ne otyskat’
(We can not find)
Togo kto vetrom stal
Ne pozhalet’
I ne skazat’ “prosti”
I ne uspet’
(We’ve got no time)
Ego uzhe spasti
(To save him)

(When your beauty turns to feel
Rest and it will eventually clear)
Pil tebya, moloko nezhnosti
Svorachivalos’ na uglyakh zhelan’ya
Vykipalo penoyu bezmyatezhnosti
Poteryav belizny siyan’e
Zhdal tebya, slushal shorokhi
Kapli padali, ronyaya ves raznyy
Rastekalis’ zakatnym vspolokhom
Perepachkalsya ves’ krasnym

(And I as always
As ever wait here
And I in despair)

Ne uderzhat’
V rukakh oblomki skal
Ne otyskat’
Togo kto vetrom stal
Ne pozhalet’
I ne skazat’ “prosti”
I ne uspet’
Ego uzhe spasti

Ne uderzhat’
(It’s hard to hold)
V rukakh oblomki skal
Ne otyskat’
(We can not find)
Togo kto vetrom stal
Ne pozhalet’
I ne skazat’ “prosti”
I ne uspet’
(We’ve got no time)
Ego uzhe spasti
(To save him)

Ne uderzhat’

(It’s hard to hold pebbles in our hands
We can not find
We Became the wind
we can not apologize to them
We’ve got no time to save him…)


Translation by Kukushka

(Your eyes are the constant that draw me in)
Pushing off the ground
Aiming for the fluffy underbelly of the sky
Growing the emptiness between us
Melting with the last warmth of summer
(Your sparkle lashes me to milk)
Don’t hold me with fingers, sun
Let me fly after tired birds
Our hearts will become the wanderers
On shoe souls made of sand

No way to keep from escaping
(It’s hard to hold)
In hands, cover of mountains
No way to find
(We can not find)
The one who became the wind
No way to pity
And say “sorry”
And no time
(We’ve got no time)
To save him
(To save him)

(When your beauty turns to feel
Rest and it will eventually clear)
I drank you, milk of tenderness
Wishes twisting on coal
Boiled away by the foam of tranquility
Lost in the whiteness of sunshine
Waiting for you, listening to the rustling
Falling raindrops, dropping with different weight
Растекались закатным всполохом*
Dirtied, covered in red

(And I as always
As ever wait here
And I in despair)

No way to keep from escaping
In hands, cover of mountains
No way to find
The one who became the wind
No way to pity
And say “sorry”
And no time
To save him

No way to keep from escaping
(It’s hard to hold)
In hands, cover of mountains
No way to find
(We can not find)
The one who became the wind
No way to pity
And say “sorry”
And no time
(We’ve got no time)
To save him
(To save him)

No way to keep from escaping

(It’s hard to hold pebbles in our hands
We can not find
We Became the wind
we can not apologize to them
We’ve got no time to save him…)